Biotech Co., Ltd.
Product Introduction
Precision Oncology Platform (PROP)--Catering for Needs in Cancer Care and Immune-Oncology
UmiPict-- Total Solution for ImagingAI Development
The platform consists of an oncology patient registry arm (PRA) and a smart oncologic imaging analysis arm (IAA). They work hand-in-hand to provide a friendly and communicative environment to:
- monitor the treatment of cancer patients consistently,
- inform physicians of the multi-disciplinary oncology team about the up-to-date status of every patient
- attain and manage data centrally for hospitals, clinical research/trial, and AI Development
The imaging analysis arm (IAA) processes and analyzes CT, MRI & PET images according to international recognized criteria and standards to evaluate oncologic images accurately, consistently and efficiently along every treatment, including surgery, radiotion and all kinds of drug therapies (chemo-, targeted, immune and cell immunotherapy).
- Transparent decision-making support
- Ready for implementing immunotherapies, including Checkpoint Inhibitors and Immune Cell Therapy
- Improving care quality of cancer treatment
- Attracting research partners, including pharmaceutical sponsors for clinical trials
Medical AI dealing with medical imaging has attracted huge attention from physicians and hospital management among all medical AI offerings. Currently, they account for a majority of the FDA-approved SaMD products.
Umipict is a service platform covering the whole ImagingAI development pipeline and every individual step tackling data curation, algorithm training, and clinical evaluation for SaMD (Software as a Medical Device) Approval.
Service scenarios include:
- Hospitals that are developing their own AI algorithms,
- Hospitals that are conducting in-house clinical validation of SaMD candidate products
- Hospitals that license imaging data to AI partner for AI training
- CROs that perform clinical validation/evaluation in hospital setting
- Attracting new partners and research incomes, including AI startups, medical devices, and drug developers
- Ready for Med AI, in-house development, or medical data licensing business