Taihao Medical Inc.

Product Introduction


BR-FHUS Smart System


BU-CAD is a software application indicated to assist trained interpreting physicians in analyzing the breast ultrasound images of patients with soft tissue breast lesions suspicious of breast cancer who are being referred for a further diagnostic ultrasound examination.

BR-FHUS Smart System is a breast screening solution for the handheld ultrasound. It contains two subsystems, Navigation and Viewer. BR-FHUS Navigation can assist Sonographer in scanning. During the scan, the scanning routes and 2-D ultrasound images can be tracked and recorded to provide quality assurance. The probe position (clock and distance from the nipple) and the suspicious lesions are recorded and alerted in real time.

BR-Viewer supports ABUS images from SIEMENS, GE, and other vendors (DICOM format) and supports our computer-aided detection method to detect breast lesions in thousands of images. Also, it provides marker annotation and 3D manipulation to assist physicians in reviewing. The reporting system using BI-RADS lexicons can generate PDF, structured reports, and videos for each study. Besides, users of WorkstationOne can add BR-Viewer as a plug-in for reviewing ABUS images.

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