Imedtac (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 

Product Introduction

Telehealth Solution

Smart Ward

Automated Dispensing Cabinet

As a result of covid-19, telemedicine consultations between clinicians and patients have become a trend to reduce infections. imedtac Telehealth Solution combines patient information, video, and vital signs data into a single platform, making it easier to have virtual consultations with specialists and provide timely, specialized care to patients.

Traditionally, patient information is indicated to their caregivers using name tags or whiteboards. imedtac smart ward solution utilizes ePaper to automatically display various patient information instead of manually updating whiteboards and door information cards. The use of such displays provides real-time patient information and medical care reminders to enhance patient care and interactions between caregivers and patients.

Medication management is a critical part of patient care. Any medication errors may lead to severe injuries and cause medical disputes. imedtac automated dispensing cabinets are designed to secure medication storage and dispensing and inventory management. The automated dispensing cabinet is suitable for managing high-risk medications and controlled substances near the point of care, such as anesthesiology, ICU, ward or quarantine areas, and high-value consumables in operating rooms.  

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