HuKui Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product Introduction

Handheld Ultrasound Device

Disposable Endoscope System   (Module and Solution) 

CDMO Service(Taiwan Registration) 

The wireless ultrasound hand device is small and light.

Physicians can put it in their pockets and carry it anywhere easily.

As a screening and emergency device, it can assist physicians in time visual diagnostic and apply to general clinical treatment to fulfill the promptly on-site diagnostic.

Disposable Endoscope System is based on optics design and electromechanical system and integrated with digital image and record transporting function. The portable optical image device can help physicians easily operate and diagnose on the clinical site. It is also convenient during the regular ward round. This medical device will be the global trend for mobile health and telemedicine. 

Medical device with a multi-country license is a feasible registration strategy in the industry. It can take advantage not only in the international trading business but also in the capital market to raise funds.

A professional consulting team can lead the medical device company to save learning time and maximize resources. It is also a long-term partner to help medical devices successfully incubated from R&D in the lab to launch on the global market. Hukui is a professional consulting team who can provide you with the best advice for product development and registration.

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