Mr. Huei-Ling Lee (Jennifer)

General Manager, Huede Healthtech Co., Ltd. 


Digital Health for Post-Pandemic Era-- Innovation, Safety, Precision, Friendliness

Speaker's Biography

Jennifer Lee graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia Tech, with an MBA in 1996 and majored in Economics at National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan. With more than 15 years of marketing and sales experience in leading global companies such as Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, etc. Her enthusiasm and passion for incorporating IT technology for medical needs have been fulfilled in Huede Healthtech. Under her leadership, Huede Healthtech has been four times awarded by National Healthcare Quality Award (NHQA) in acute and critical care fields, such as Ventilation, Smart Pump, iEMS, and Hand Hygiene. Huede is also a distributor of the US leading Brand of Pump as a total solution provider.

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