Mr. Chih-Jui Chen

Chief Executive Officer, LongGood Ltd.


Telerehabilitation Biz Model in Asia

Speaker's Biography

Mr. Chih-Jui Chen served as LongGood's CEO. He graduated from the Institute of Bioengineering, National Taiwan University, with years of experience serving as visiting scholar at UC Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. 

CEO Chen has more than ten years of experience in the medical device industry. He used to serve as a System Manager of the advanced imaging system at National Taiwan University Hospital and Product Manager in a medical device company to provide in-need service to clinics and patients via software value-add. 

CEO Chen established LongGood MediTech in 2011, and customers include the rehabilitation and neurobiology department and some nursing home. He aims the diagnosis and train solutions for stroke and dementia and telerehabilitation for outpatient. The next step of LongGood MediTech is expanding the current market to countries in Asia, for whom suffering from aging and expensive medical services.

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