AmCad BioMed Corporation

Product Introduction



AmCAD-UT is the world's first ultrasound AI CAD for Thyroid Cancer Detection. The technology has received approval from the FDA, CE, and other courtiers regulatory authorities.

The software is compatible with all commercial ultrasound systems for 2B images. Its assessment reporting is based on TI-RADS, and AI deep-learning results will assist physicians in making quicker analyses of Thyroid lesions, especially for ENT and Health Checkup Diagnostic Center.

AmCAD-UO is the world's first CE marked/FDA 510K cleared solution for upper airway exam to detect Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) from awake patients. With laser-guided positioning and an automated ultrasound scanning device, AmCAD-UO can precisely scan the upper airway and analyze the gap between normal breathing and Müller Maneuver. The system standardizes ultrasound transducer scanning to make the assessment more consistent and avoid high operator-dependent variations. It allows doctors to evaluate the cause of OSA more quickly in 10 minutes and offer quantitative visual assessment for moderate/severe OSA patients.

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