Acer Medical
Product Introduction

DR (AI Diagnostic Software for Diabetic Retinopathy)
VeriSee DR is an AI solution developed by Acer Medical, a subsidiary of Acer Group, to assist healthcare professionals in analyzing retinal images for signs of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) screening. It provides immediate referral recommendations with 93% accuracy, comparable to an ophthalmologist's level. In addition, it can be run on a computer connected to the fundus camera without a network connection.
The AI software is validated through rigorous clinical trials and has been approved by Thailand FDA, Taiwan FDA, Indonesia MoH, and the Philippines FDA. It solves problems of ophthalmologist shortage, low confidence in DR screening by non-ophthalmologist doctors, prevents medical resources, and delayed DR reports & treatments. VeriSee DR provides better care and lowers the risk of blindness for diabetes patients.
In Taiwan, VeriSee DR has already been implemented in more than 70 hospitals and clinics (including over 50% of medical centers) with up to 100,000 patients served by VeriSee DR.